Thoughts Are THINGS

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Recent feedback from a speaking engagement

Below is a sampling of written feedback I received following a recent speaking engagement. My subject was positive thinking. Really, all my subjects are positive thinking when I do public speaking, no matter what the title might be. I believe thoughts are things and that when we think about things positively, those thoughts actually tend to create positive outcomes.

I can't help feeling that publishing these feedback snippets will be seen as shameless self-promotion...and perhaps it is. But I do have another reason for posting these. I think these messages show how hungry people are for good news. There is certainly no shortage currently of bad news, particularly in Michigan where I gave this talk. But good news seems to be fairly scarce and my listeners, judging by their feedback, were VERY glad to hear somebody talking about how life can be good.

Here are the feedback messages.

Sorry this is so late in getting to you. I wanted to thank you for coming to Magic and speaking to all of us. It was very refreshing to hear your take on life. I have definitely implemented positive thinking into my far, so good! Thanks again.

"Dear" Michael (and I really mean are very dear to me),
Thanks for being with us today (4/16) and thank you for being in my life!
From: Your "very well-paid actress" friend,

I don't know how to thank you for sharing your heart and wisdom with us. You have impacted so many people in such a wonderful and lasting way. I'm blessed to be one of those you have affected! Love ya,

Dear Michael,
My most sincere thanks for your uplifting and motivating talk. I've decided to make some very positive changes in my life because of you. Believe me, it was awe inspiring! Thank you, and best regards,
Rita S.

Mike,You could not have chosen a better day to come in. Apparently, I attracted someone like you because everything you said was exactly what I needed to hear! You truly are an amazing man and one I hope to hear more from. Thank you so much.

Dear Michael,
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to speak with us. Your words were very inspirational to me. I am new at the station and am looking to make my first big sale. I am definitely going to approach my sales efforts in a positive way and good things will happen. I am confident of that. Thanks again.

Dear Michael,
Thank you for your inspiring conversation this morning with the Magic sales staff. It was great to see you again and I would love to follow up and see "The Secret." Marcy has been talking about that documentary and I have not watched it. Warmest regards,

Hi Michael,
Thank you so very much for taking your time to relate your personal journey and how positive thinking has helped to create positive results for you. I am also a firm believer in this philosophy and thru many challenges in my life I have maintained the belief that failure is not an option! And so it goes...thank you again, Michael, for spending your valuable time with us. Sincerely,

Thank you very much for taking time out to come and share your ideas and inspiration with us here at Magic. For me, as a new member of the team and someone who is new to sales, you gave me a more positive way to look at things. Also, I would love to have the opportunity to speak with you more in the future so I can work to get high levels of satisfaction and happiness in my life. Thank you once again and have a great day.

Thank you for your very inspiring speech this morning. You made my day!
Tom (interim General Manager for the station)

Hello Mike,
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story with the Magic sales staff. I personally thought your message was quite inspiring, encouraging and funny. It's no surprise that you're successful. Have a magical week!
Rita C.

If you'd like to contact me about speaking at one of your functions, email me at or click on the "View my complete profile" link at left and then click on the Email link.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Gross National Happiness

On March 25, 2008, the Detroit Free Press published a small article that reads in part:

"The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan ended a century of absolute monarchy Monday by electing Jigmi Kinley, a royalist, as its first prime minister. His party took 44 of the 47 parliament seats. Party spokesman Palden Tsherling called the win a "victory for His Majesty." Kinley's party, like the opposition, promises to follow the king's latest five-year plan and promote Gross National Happiness, a philosopy that seeks to balance material progress with spiritual well-being."

I think the king's plan might be a good one for me, perhaps you might consider it also. I plan to promote Gross National Happiness in my own small realm, not only for the next five years but for all the years left to me.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Beliefs

I believe that Jesus of Nazareth knew and taught that:
  • The Kingdom of God is here and now as a state of consciousness
  • Heaven was and is a state of mind
  • Mind is the prime mover in the universe
  • Our lives are reflections of our inner thoughts
And I will spend the remaining years of my time, this trip, proving him right.

What we see outside of us, what our senses perceive as concrete things are only our thoughts returning to us fully formed. So then the prime mover in our lives is our thoughts. "Be careful what you wish for or it may come true!" is truly inspired wisdom. Job was right when he said, "For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me," Job 3:25, King James version of the Bible.

I believe that words become flesh and dwell among us.

I believe that the future is constructed out of our present thoughts. That is why vision is so important.

If what I send out returns to me,
If what I do to others is guaranteed to be done unto me,
Then I declare a total and everlasting everyone.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Selected Poems by Jackie Anderer

Grow Wings to Your Heart

Grow wings to your heart;
let your soul fly free
and in your endless journey
you will begin to see
that happiness is a blessing,
one we all embellish,
so succulent to taste
and ours to always relish.
Grow wings to your heart;
let yourself go beyond
to limitless endeavors,
no place you've ever gone
for your wings create freedom
and growth will never cease.
Tumble through it all
and with you will increase
your momentum for living.
Indulgent as it seems,
it will take you to a far better place,
one within your dreams.
Grow wings to your heart
and fly through endless space...
limitless beyond all things.
Try it;
you'll like this place.


Life is but a spectrum,
one with many hues.
A vibrancy of colors;
the brilliance is yours to choose.
And in your choice of color
keep open your heart
for the clarity of your soul
has been with you from the start.
Whether green, blue or golden
you must indeed make known
the wonders of your colors
in that which God has shown.
The beauty of your dance...
a graceful...gentle...step,
a breezy soft and airy glow,
a rhythm that is kept.
May your colors shine brightly
and light the sky above.
As you go along lightly,
embrace them with your love.

Don't Trip on Things Behind You

Don't trip on things behind you;
they're very hard to see.
The past is such a heavy weight,
I think you would agree.
Don't trip on things behind.
We need to look ahead
for life is forward living;
our eyes face front...instead.
Don't trip on things behind you;
you mustn't even take
the worry of the past.
It's such a big mistake.
Let go of your troubles
for in the end its clear...
to trip on things behind you
will get you in the rear!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Power of Our Words

The words that shape our lives are the words we speak in the morning before we start our usual routines. They are also the words we speak all through the day and evening. In fact, they are all the words we speak, and even the words we think, our thoughts.

Our words are really that powerful. This is true whether our words are positive or negative. That being the case, we are wise to follow two simple rules. Speak only words that express positive thoughts. Say nothing that expresses a negative thought of any kind.

What is a negative thought? It is any thought that acknowledges or suggests lack of any kind, or anger, fear, envy, jealousy, or any other idea incompatible with one’s personal view of goodness.

What is a positive thought? It is any thought that acknowledges fulfillment, prosperity, success, health, love, or any other idea wholly compatible with one’s personal view of goodness.

Remember that this is not only a possible outcome; it is an inescapable law of mind. Each word we speak will affect our lives and the lives of those close to us. Negative thinking and speaking will inevitably bring about damage. Positive thinking and speaking will just as surely bring about positive circumstances and experiences.